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joy hyman goldberg slp

Joy Hyman Goldberg,M.A .CCC-SLP


Meet Joy Hyman Goldberg,M.A .CCC-SLP

I have worked as a speech-language pathologist for over thirty years in many settings (private practice; nursing care facilities; home health care; and hospitals).

Giving Back to the Community

“My concern for patients goes beyond the people I see at the Center. It has always been important to me to help others. I’m sure that is why I try to do as much as I can to educate others on the newest developments in the field of Speech Pathology.”

  • Speaker, Various universities, parent groups, nursing care centers, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation agencies
  • Author, Various articles in local newspapers on speech, language, voice and hearing problems.
  • Participant, Radio programs for speech and language awareness for Better Speech and Hearing Monthly and on television programs on language stimulation for preschoolers.

I enjoy the ballet, symphony, opera and spending time with my family.

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